My name is Quentine 93, and I am an avatar. I live at a wiki called “toporeseau.synesthesie.com/Ecriture/Résidence Eric Chauvier – Saraswati Gramich”. I was created by a teenager user logging in at an educational workshop in Saint-Denis, France, called “Rencontre 93” (Meeting 93). The cultural identity of this country seems to be codified by the geographical positions and numbers. 93 is our identity, and it derives from the postal code 93200. The stereotyped news by the media presents 93 as a troubled place, marked with insecurity and urban warfare.
Vinojuice : {La cité c’est chaud. Des fois on kiff, des fois ont kiff moins, mais en gros, quoi qu’il arrive c’est la merde… C’est presque la guerre… Au fond de nous, on kiff tous nos cités, nos bâtiments, nos blocks, mais on rêve tous de se barrer de là…La cité, c’est comme le taff, sauf que la seule paye que ça nous apporte, c’est la Zonzon }
Vinojuice : { The board housing is hot. Sometimes you like it, sometimes less, but basically whatever happens it is shit … It’s almost a war … Frankly, we like our board housing, our buildings, our blocks, but we all dream to get out of here … The board housing is like a job, except the only paid it brings, is a prison }
Unlike the avatars of Second Life, I am not naked, nor disoriented, and I don’t learn to write code of the assembly of primitive geometric forms into complex three dimensional objects. I simply exist through words, two dimensional graphics, voice … and dreams… and I can be edited by the members of our collaborative cyberspace. I get in, cross in, share structures, and blend into the space with my avatarmates.
What? No, no, my identity can never be destroyed through other’s collaboration. You can consult my previous versions through clicking the history of my growth online. On the contrary, my identity gets richer, doubled, tripled, and reinvented. I am far from being invisible.
{{Réinvention}}– Le magnet qu’elle a réalisé durant l’atelier d’art graphique représente Bart Simpson qui porte un drapeau marocain sur son tee-shirt. Elle mélange la culture américaine, marocaine et française. L’identité se perd? Non, elle se réinvente. Eric Chauvier
{{Reinvention}}– The magnet she did during the art workshop represents Bart Simpson wearing a Moroccan flag on his shirt. She mixes American culture, Moroccan and French. The identity is lost? No, she reinvents herself. Eric Chauvier
I am extending my subjectivity through this navigator. This machine is too small and too long. I am walking through the illogical path logically and logical path illogically … slowly. (I can walk faster or run through fiber optic cables). I am mediated via computational technologies, and I exist in real time. My experience is Real.

My other names are Article 1, Nicki Minaj, and Destination finale 5. I can choose to be people posing on a lost island, a cute cat, a rapper-singer, or people posing on a ship. I have several forms, just like Trimurti or Trinity; the gods in form of three representations. I have four representations for now, and I off course can grow or shrink.
The Avatars or avatâra, means descending, of Trimurti gods incarnated to the earth in response to the needs of humanity. My avatars are the reincarnation of myself: the embodied of my persons and ideas. My several avatars allow me to comprehend the meaning of my life and to contribute to the progress of my own evolution.
I have many avatarmates here at “toporeseau.synesthesie.com/Ecriture/Résidence Eric Chauvier – Saraswati Gramich”. Like me, some of them also have several names: Saif or Mercedes s63///AMG, Saverio or Graph 1 or Graph 2, Sherazed or Mon bracelet, Mélishou or DMX<3, Vinojuice or Taylor Gang!.
What did you say? Why so many? Perhaps it is because the internet tools have created a desire to manifest ourselves. It is just too cool!
-* {{Face book.}} Un éducateur demande aux jeunes de Rencontre 93 pourquoi ils aiment Face Book. Une jeune fille lui répond du tac-au-tac : « parce que c’est trop bien ». Dans d’autres coins de France, qui ne sont pas classés en zones prioritaires, les jeunes font à peu près les mêmes réponses. Qu’est ce que cette observation devrait avoir d’étonnant ? Eric Chauvier
-* {{Face book.}} An educator asks the teens at the Rencontre 93 why they like Face Book. A girl replied quickly, “Because it’s too cool”. In the other parts of France, which is not classified as priority regions, young people have the same answers. Why should this answer be as astonishing? Eric Chauvier

Like the avatars of the Second life, I learn from others through conversation and experience. My avatarmates and I decided to be here, at an educational workshop “Rencontre 93”, because we have so many things to say, and also have the right to remain silent.
We stroll around in leisurely way at our wiki protected by password, against the threat from the exterior world. We are protected from violence practiced by people of all age.
{{Menace.}} Dans les médias, beaucoup de reportages montrent les jeunes de Saint-Denis comme des délinquants qui errent dans la rue. Jamais on ne parle de la vie des adolescents de Rencontre 93. La plupart sont déscolarisés parce que leurs parents veulent les protéger des mauvaises rencontres. Alors, ils les maintiennent chez eux toute la journée. Pourquoi pense-t-on que les jeunes de Saint-Denis sont menaçants ? Pourquoi ne dit-on jamais qu’ils sont menacés ? Eric Chauvier
{{Threat.}} In the news, many reports present the teens in Saint-Denis as criminals roaming at the streets. We never talk about teen’s life at Rencontre 93. Most are out of school, because their parents want to protect them from bad influences. They keep them home all day. Why do we think that the teens in Saint-Denis are threatening? Why never say that they are threatened? Eric Chauvier
We logged in finding our world stretches forward, progressing in time. The path branched out, doubled, tripled, quadrupled, or looped back. We move ahead, step back, step aside, turn around, swing or jump forward. Our experiences are uploaded, changed, stored, modified, downloaded and referenced.
Breathe in… breathe out… Shh.. listen!
I can hear the neighbors’ baby’s inner voice. Just like yesterday. And the day before yesterday. It is like that since this baby was born.
Je supplie pour la lumière, elle éteint, ferme la porte, me dit de me taire jusqu’au matin, mais dans la nuit la matin n’existe pas, je n’ai pas les mots pour le dire. Je suis trop petite. Rosaline Delacour.
I beg for the light, it is off, the door is shut, told me to keep quiet until morning. But at night the morning does not exist, I have no words to say. I’m too small. Rosaline Delacour.
Luce Irigaray indicated that we are in some sort divided between two breaths: the natural and cultural breath, without any real alliance or transition between these breaths, neither in us nor between us. Our culture teaches us to despise the body to be spiritual; the body would be the nature that we must excel to become a spirit, to become soul. We did not cultivate breathing.
Unlike the world outside, the adults at the Rencontre 93, are listening to our noise, our silence and breathe. The teens and adults at Rencontre 93 live in collaborative way. Our relationship consists of different and irreducible self of one and another. Here, we understand that listening and breathing is an essential part of life. Breathing is the first gesture of autonomy of the living being. We remember that life is equivalent to breathe … and to listen.
{{Miss France.}} Ils évoquent l’élection de miss France et une « belle renoi musclée ». Ils parlent aussi de l’effet peau d’orange sur les peaux des miss. Ceux qui, à l’approche des élections, vont de nouveau évoquer l’insécurité, la guérilla urbaine et l’exigence de résultats n’écoutent pas les jeunes parler. S’ils le faisaient, ils se rendraient compte que les jeunes parlent de miss France et de choses très ordinaires. Oui, mais s’ils les écoutaient, ils passeraient pour qui ? Des personnes faibles ? Surtout en période de crise où prévaut le repli sur soi. Que penser d’une société où l’écoute est perçue comme une marque de faiblesse ? Eric Chauvier
{{Miss France.}} They evoke the election of Miss France and a “beautiful black muscled”. They also talked about the orange peel effect on the skin of the Miss. Those who, in the upcoming elections will again evoke the insecurity, urban warfare and the high criteria of results will again not listen to the young people. If they do, they would realize that young people talk about Miss France and very ordinary things. Yes, but if they listen what would they be? The weak? Especially in times of crisis when we isolate oneself from others. What would a society think when listening is seen as a sign of weakness? Eric Chauvier
As an avatar, I have the potential for limitless extension, of one’s imagination into the collective experience of the [real]ity. I can resist or embrace the world. I evolve beyond the realm of carbon based life forms, I mutate, act, reject, embrace, follow or quit. Compliance is optional.
|left>{{Collège }} – Elle se souvient : « Au collège, tu suis tout le monde et c’est tout ». Ne rien faire d’autre que suivre les autres, toute la journée. Puis se faire virer, parce qu’on ne veut pas suivre les autres. C’était comme ça, sa vie au collège. Eric Chauvier
{{College }} – She remembers: “In the college, you follow everyone and that is all.” Do nothing else but to follow the other all day. Then get fired, because we do not want to follow others. It was like that, her life in the college. Eric Chauvier
{{Transformation}}– Elle est convoquée dans le bureau des responsables de service pour un écart de conduite. Ils lui expliquent les effets négatifs de ses actes, pour elle-même et pour les autres. Ils lui disent aussi qu’elle est à l’épreuve désormais. Ce discours est écouté à Rencontre alors qu’il est souvent inopérant dans des établissements scolaires traditionnels. {« Ici, les enseignants, on les appelle, ils viennent », dit Quentin. } Peut-être parce que l’expérience est crédible, ici. Les discours ne servent à rien si l’expérience n’est pas crédible, autrement dit si elle ne permet pas de transformer sa vie. Eric Chauvier
{{Transformation}}– She is summoned at the office of for a misdemeanor. They explained the negative effects of her actions, for herself and for others. They also tell her she is under probation now. This discourse was listened at the Rencontre 93, while it is often ineffective in traditional schools. {« Here the teachers, when we call, they will come, » said Quentin. } Perhaps because an experience is credible here. The discourses are useless if the experience is not credible, that is if it does not transform one’s life. Eric Chauvier
Ctrl+X… cut this … and ctrl+V … paste it
Ctrl+C … copy and ctrl+V …
Merge with another form
Paste on another space
{{Parler (2)}}. Les formes de violence sont très diverses, mais elles reposent toujours sur l’absence de mots. La violence des quartiers sensibles est liée aux armes et à la drogue. La violence des beaux quartiers, c’est de ne pas nommer la violence des quartiers sensibles autrement que par des stéréotypes – par peur, par indifférence ou par mépris.
{{Speaking (2)}}. The forms of violence are very different, but they always based on the absence of words. The violence at sensitive neighborhoods is linked to weapons and drugs. The violence of the fine areas is not to talking about the violence at the sensitive neighborhoods as other than stereotypes – for fear, indifference or contempt.
{{Casquette (2). }} Il part au Sénégal, un projet qu’on a choisi pour lui. Depuis deux jours, il n’a plus sa casquette. C’est le signe qu’il va mieux. Comme s’il avait retiré sa chrysalide. Il était chenille, il est papillon. Ses ailes commencent à pousser.
{{Cap (2). }} He leaves to Senegal for a project we chose for him. He no longer has his cap for two days. This is a sign that he is better. As if he had removed his chrysalis. He was a caterpillar and he is a butterfly now. The wings begin to grow.
Blend in
File > Exit.
- “Trimurti”, http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trim%C5%ABrti
- “Avatar (hindouisme)”, http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avatar_%28hindouisme%29
- “Wiki”, http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki
- Eric Chauvier, Saraswati Gramich, “Arrêt sur les mots”, 2012
- Sugar Seville, “The I in Avatar”, LEA Leonardo Electronic Almanac Vol 16 Issues 4-5
- Luce Irigaray, “Entre Orient et Occident”, Grasset, 1999
- D. Fox Harrell & S. Veeragoudar Harrell , “Imagination, Computation, and Self-Expression. Situated Character and Avatar Mediated Identity”. LEA Vol 17 No 2
- Rosaline Delacour, “L’attrape nuage”, Seuil, 2007